For a number of crops, the construction of a complete greenhouse is not necessary and foil tunnels will suffice. Whether or not linked together. AgrowSer’s self-developed and produced foil tunnels are an economically attractive alternative to greenhouses and the technical lifespan is optimal. We guarantee that.
The AgrowSer multi-tunnel has the properties of a poly greenhouse, because the tunnels are linked by steel uprights and aluminum gutters.
We offer standard multi-tunnels with a roof size of 6.40m, 8.00m or 9.60m and different leg heights, but we can also adapt these sizes because the construction is produced in our own factory.
The single foil tunnel from AgrowSer is a simple covering for the protection of a crop. We supply these tunnels in all sizes, types, variations and covered with any type of foil. Everything is possible
We offer different models, such as a single foil tunnel or linked together with an aluminum gutter. We offer different models, such as a single foil tunnel or linked together with an aluminum gutter. We offer different models, such as a single foil tunnel or linked together with an aluminum gutter. We offer different models, such as a single foil tunnel or linked together with an aluminum gutter. We offer different models, such as a single foil tunnel or linked together with an aluminum gutter.
Our tunnels are very easy to build yourself, but of course the experienced AgrowSer assembly team is ready for all our customers. For support, or to build and deliver the tunnels completely.
AgrowSer wandelkappen are ideal for advancing crops and protecting them against bad weather conditions.
The canopy is available as standard in widths of 5.0m, 6.0m and 6.4m, but deviating sizes can be supplied on request. The constructions are easy to place and move, so that they can easily move with the crops to another plot.
Ventilation is possible by simply pulling up the foil on both sides of the hoods. The fronts can be fitted with sliding doors with reinforced foil. It is also possible to make the fronts completely removable and there is a wide choice of all kinds of PE foil types.
Waarom AgrowSer
Veel van onze medewerkers zijn opgegroeid met de tuinbouwsector en hebben zich vanuit die omgeving ontwikkeld tot regelrechte tuinbouwspecialisten, nationaal en internationaal.
Onze kennis is vooral gebaseerd op onze ervaring, maar door nauwe samenwerking met onze opdrachtgevers en andere tuinbouwspecialisten wordt dit kennisniveau stelselmatig verder verhoogd. Een proces dat nooit stopt.
Onze klanten zijn onze visitekaartjes en daar zijn wij heel trots op.
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